
A Corpus Processor - A Linguistic Development Environment -  A Linguistic Engine for developing Natural Language Processing software Applications.


Below are 487 articles, papers and books that describe research projects that mentioned NooJ-related applications, resources or scientific projects in Linguistics, Corpus Lingusitics, Computational Linguistics, Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing development. Do not hesitate to send us corrections and new references!

Abari K., Tamm A., Gábor K. and Olaszy G. 2007. Számítógépes összehasonlító szövegelemzés ügyfélszolgálati tájékoztatók legfontosabb prozódiai elemeinek a meghatározására. (Computer-aided Analysis of Costumer Information Texts for the Automatic Markup of Basic Prosody Elements). In: A. Tanács, D. Csendes (eds.): Proceedings of the Hungarian Computational Linguistics Conference 2007, Szeged University Press, Szeged, Hungary, Hungary:

Aksan M. and Mersinli Ü. 2011. A Corpus Based NooJ Module for Turkish. Proceedings of the NooJ 2010 International Conference (Komotini, Greece). Edited by Zoe Gavriilidou, Elina Chatzipapa, Lena Papadopoulou and Max Silberztein. University of Thrace Ed., Greece: 29-39

Alexandridou D. and Anastassiadis-Symeonidis A. 2011. A New Greek Corpus . Proceedings of the NooJ 2010 International Conference (Komotini, Greece). Edited by Zoe Gavriilidou, Elina Chatzipapa, Lena Papadopoulou and Max Silberztein. University of Thrace Ed., Greece: 270-280

Alexandrov M., Blanco X., Mitrofanova O. and Zakharov V. 2008. NooJ Applications for Document Clustering and Corpus Linguistics. In Proceedings of the 2007 International NooJ Conference (Barcelona, Spain). Edited by Xavier Blanco and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle , UK: 6--18

Alassir A., Dardour S. and Fehri H., 2022. Paraphrasing Tool Using the NooJ Platform. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. Bigey M., Richeton A., Silberztein M. Thomas I. Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Alexin Z. 2010. Generating Large and Optimized FSA for Morphological Analysis. Applications of Finite-State Language Processing : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2008 International Conference (Budapest, Hungaria). Edited by Kuti Judit, Silberztein Max, Varadi Tamas. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 66-72

Almarimi A., Ben Hamadou A., Hussain K. and Fehri H. 2011. Recognition of Libyan Person names using NooJ plateform . Proceedings of the NooJ 2010 International Conference (Komotini, Greece). Edited by Zoe Gavriilidou, Elina Chatzipapa, Lena Papadopoulou and Max Silberztein. University of Thrace Ed., Greece: 125-133

Álvarez, C.S. and Koza, W., 2022. Análisis automático de la estructura argumental de predicados de la medicina desde la léxico-gramática: una aplicación al subdominio de la ginecología y la obstetricia. Panace, 23(55), pp.89-104.

Alves D., Bekavac B. and Tadić M., 2021. The Optimization of Portuguese Named-Entity Recognition and Classification by combining Local Grammars and Conditional Random Fields trained with a Parsed Corpus. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. CCIS Series. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Aly Fall Seideh M., Hela Fehri and Kais Haddar, 2017. Recognition and Extraction of Latin Names of Plants for Matching Common Plant Named Entities. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International Conference NooJ 2016. Springer CCIS Series #667.

Aly Fall Seideh M., Héla Fehri, Kais Haddar and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, 2016. Named entity recognition from Arabic-French herbalism parallel corpora. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International NooJ2015 Conference. Springer CCIS Series #607.

Amzali A., Asmaa Kourtin, Mohammed Mourchid, Abdelaziz Mouloudi and Samir Mbarki, 2020. Lexicon-grammar tables development for Arabic psychological verbs. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Amzali A., Mourchid M., Mouloudi A. and Mbarki S., 2021. Arabic psychological verbs recognition through NooJ transformational grammars. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. CCIS Series. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Amzali A., Kourtin A., Mourchid M., Mouloudi A. and Mbarki S., 2022. Syntactic Analysis of Sentences Containing Arabic Psychological Verb. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. Bigey M., Richeton A., Silberztein M. Thomas I. Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Annouz H., 2017. Treatments of the Kabylian derived nominal verbs with NooJ. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International Conference NooJ 2016. Springer CCIS Series #667.

Aoughlis F. 2007. A Computer Science Electronic Dictionary for NooJ. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4592, Springer Verlag 2007., France: 341-351

Aoughlis F. 2010. Computer science terminology . Finite-State Language Engineering with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2009 International Conference (Tozeur, Tunisia). Edited by Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Centre de publication Universitaire : Sfax., Tunisia: 59-78

Aoughlis F. 2012. Vers un module Tamazight pour le système NooJ . Aménagement linguistique de Tamazight Bilan et perspectives, Colloque international, Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, March 12-14, 2012. 'ILES D IMESLI'. Proceeding number 4, 2012. LAELA laboratory and ANDRU Alger, Algérie: 229-244

Aoughlis F. and Métais E. 2006. Computer Science Terminology Extraction and Acquisition. WSEAS transactions on Computers, Vol. 5(10), (2006), Greece: 2472-2478

Aoughlis F., Nait-Serrad K., Anouz H., Ferroudja A. and Habet M.S. 2014. A New Tamazight Module for NooJ. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2013 : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2013 International Conference (Saarbrucken, Germany). Edited by Svetla Koeva, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 13-26

Aouini M., 2015. A NooJ Module for Named Entity Recognition in Middle French Texts. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., Di Buono M. Eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Bae S. 2004. Description of frozen nominal sequences in Korean in an electronic dictionary. In INTEX pour la Linguistique et le Traitement Automatique des Langues. Edited by Claude Muller, Jean Royauté and Max Silberztein. Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté., France: 77-100

Balvet A. 2004. Intex comme environnement logiciel pour la fouille de textes. L'exemple d'un corpus financier. In INTEX pour la Linguistique et le Traitement Automatique des Langues. Edited by Claude Muller, Jean Royauté and Max Silberztein. Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté., France: 227-250

Baptista J. and Faisca L. 2007. Mapping, filtering and measuring impact of ambiguous words in Portuguese. In Formaliser les langues avec l'ordinateur : De INTEX à NooJ. Edited by Svetla Koeva, Denis Maurel and Max Silberztein. Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté., France: 305-324

Barahona, H. & Koza, W. (2021). Grammatical modeling of a nominal ellipsis grammar for Spanish. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, Cham.

Barreiro A. 2008. Port4NooJ: Portuguese Linguistic Module and Bilingual Resources for Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 2007 International NooJ Conference (Barcelona, Spain). Edited by Xavier Blanco and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle , UK: 19-47

Barreiro A. 2010. Linguistic Resources and Applications for Portuguese Processing and Machine Translation. Applications of Finite-State Language Processing : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2008 International Conference (Budapest, Hungaria). Edited by Kuti Judit, Silberztein Max, Varadi Tamas. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 41-51

Bekavac B. and Šojat K. 2012. Syntactic Patterns of Verb Definitions in Croatian WordNet. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2011 International Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Edited by Kristina Vučković, Božo Bekavac and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 112-121

Bekavac B., Agić Ţ, Šojat K. and Tadić M. 2010. Detecting measurement expressions using NooJ . Finite-State Language Engineering with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2009 International Conference (Tozeur, Tunisia). Edited by Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Centre de publication Universitaire : Sfax., Tunisia: 121-128

Bekavac B., Agić Ž. and Tadić M. 2010. Interacting Croatian NERC System and Intex/NooJ Environment. Applications of Finite-State Language Processing : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2008 International Conference (Budapest, Hungaria). Edited by Kuti Judit, Silberztein Max, Varadi Tamas. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 21-29

Bekavac B., Kristina Kocijan and Marko Tadić, 2015. Near Language Identification Using NooJ. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., Di Buono M. Eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Belhoucine K., Mourchid M., Mbarki S. and Mouloudi A., 2021. A Bottom-up Approach for Moroccan Legal Ontology Learning from Arabic Texts. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. CCIS Series. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Ben Ali H., Hela Fehri and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, 2015. Translating Arabic Relative Clauses into English using NooJ Platform . In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., Di Buono M. Eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Ben Amor O, Faiza Derbel, 2020. The Identification of English Non-Finite Structures Using NooJ Platform. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Ben Hamadou A., Piton O. and Fehri H. 2010. Recognition and Arabic-French translation of named entities: case of the sport places. Finite-State Language Engineering with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2009 International Conference (Tozeur, Tunisia). Edited by Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Centre de publication Universitaire : Sfax., Tunisia: 271-284

Ben Hamadou A., Piton O. and Fehri H. 2011. Multilingual Extraction of functional relations between Arabic Named Entities using NooJ platform . Proceedings of the NooJ 2010 International Conference (Komotini, Greece). Edited by Zoe Gavriilidou, Elina Chatzipapa, Lena Papadopoulou and Max Silberztein. University of Thrace Ed., Greece: 192-202

Ben Kacem S. and Mesfar S. 2013. Towards An On-Line Concordance Service. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2012 International Conference (Paris, France). Edited by Anaïd Donabédian, Victoria Khurshudian and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 162-172

Bendinelli M., 2022. Who is to Blame for What? An Insight within the French Yellow Vests’ Movement through Dole’s Books of Grievances. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. Bigey M., Richeton A., Silberztein M. Thomas I. Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Bentolila Y., 2009. Computerised Analysis of a Hebrew Text. In ZAPHENAT-PANEAH - Linguistic Studies Presented to Elisha Qimron on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Daniel Sivan, David Talshir and Chaim Cohen Eds. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press (2009), pp. 61-73.

Bessaies E., Slim Mesfar and Henda Ben Ghzela, 2020. Recognition and analysis of opinion questions in standard Arabic. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Bichat X. and Di Paolo L. 2007. Une leçon méthodologique en histoire de la médecine: l'application du système INTEX au texte « Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort ». In Formaliser les langues avec l'ordinateur : De INTEX à NooJ. Edited by Svetla Koeva, Denis Maurel and Max Silberztein. Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté., France: 217-244

Bigey M. 2008. Specific Electronic Dictionaries and Literary Corpora. In Proceedings of the 2007 International NooJ Conference (Barcelona, Spain). Edited by Xavier Blanco and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle , UK: 162-172

Bigey M. and Simon J., 2022. Sensitivity to Fake News: Reception Analysis with NooJ. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. Bigey M., Richeton A., Silberztein M. Thomas I. Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Bisazza A. 2010. Designing a NooJ module for Turkish inflectional analysis: an example of highly productive morphology . Finite-State Language Engineering with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2009 International Conference (Tozeur, Tunisia). Edited by Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Centre de publication Universitaire : Sfax., Tunisia: 19-30

Blanchete I., Mohammed Mourchid, Samir Mbarki and Abdelaziz Mouloudi, 2018. Formalizing Arabic Inflectional and Derivational Verbs Based on Root and Pattern Approach Using NooJ Platform. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2017 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Springer CCIS Series #811.

Blanchete I., Mohammed Mourchid, Samir Mbarki and Abdelaziz Mouloudi, 2019. Arabic Broken Plural Generation using the Extracted Linguistic Conditions Based on Root and Pattern Approach in the NooJ Platform. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2018 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Springer CCIS Series. I. Mauro Mirto, M. Monteleone, M. Silberztein Eds.

Blanchete I., Mohammed Mourchid, Samir Mbarki and Abdelaziz Mouloudi, 2020. Arabic learning application to enhance the Educational process in Moroccan Mid-High stage using NooJ platform. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Blanco Escoda X., 2016. A Hierarchy of Semantic Labels for Spanish Dictionaries. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International NooJ2015 Conference. Springer CCIS Series #607.

Blanco Escoda X., Catena A. and Fuentes S. 2007. Macro- ou micro-structure ? Elargir la couverture d'un dictionnaire électronique à partir de sa microstructure. In Formaliser les langues avec l'ordinateur : De INTEX à NooJ. Edited by Svetla Koeva, Denis Maurel and Max Silberztein. Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté., France: 91-108

Blanco X. and Yakubovich Y., 2022. Intensive Comparisons of the PECO and PVCO Classes in Old French. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. Bigey M., Richeton A., Silberztein M. Thomas I. Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Bogacki K. 2008. Polish Module for NooJ. In Proceedings of the 2007 International NooJ Conference (Barcelona, Spain). Edited by Xavier Blanco and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle , UK: 49-66

Bogacki K. and Gwiazdecka E. 2010. Grammatical categories for Polish resources in NooJ . Finite-State Language Engineering with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2009 International Conference (Tozeur, Tunisia). Edited by Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Centre de publication Universitaire : Sfax., Tunisia: 79-92

Bogacki K. and Gwiazdecka E. 2012. Derivational Structure of Polish Verbs and the Expansion of the Dictionary. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2011 International Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Edited by Kristina Vučković, Božo Bekavac and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 50-62

Bogacki K. and Gwiazdecka E. 2013. Disambiguating Polish Verbs of Motion. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2012 International Conference (Paris, France). Edited by Anaïd Donabédian, Victoria Khurshudian and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 102-112

Boudabbous M.M., Khedher N., Kammoun Chaaben N. and Belghith Hadrich L. 2013. Using NooJ Grammars to Enrich AWN Semantic Relation. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2012 International Conference (Paris, France). Edited by Anaïd Donabédian, Victoria Khurshudian and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 224-225

Boujelben I. and Ben Hamadou A. 2012. Transformational Analysis of Arabic Sentences: Application to Automatically Extracted Biomedical Symptoms. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2011 International Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Edited by Kristina Vučković, Božo Bekavac and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 182-194

Boujelben I., Jammousi S. and Ben Hamadou A. 2013. Rule-based Approach for Semantic Relation Extraction between Arabic Named Entities. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2012 International Conference (Paris, France). Edited by Anaïd Donabédian, Victoria Khurshudian and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 123-135

Boujelben I., Mesfar S. and Ben Hamadou A. 2010. Lexicalization of Arabic named entities: a methodological approach. Finite-State Language Engineering with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2009 International Conference (Tozeur, Tunisia). Edited by Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Centre de publication Universitaire : Sfax., Tunisia: 129-142

Boujelben I., Mesfar S. and Ben Hamadou A. 2011. Arabic Compound Nouns processing: inflection and tokenization . Proceedings of the NooJ 2010 International Conference (Komotini, Greece). Edited by Zoe Gavriilidou, Elina Chatzipapa, Lena Papadopoulou and Max Silberztein. University of Thrace Ed., Greece: 40-51

Bourahma S., Mohammed Mourchid, Samir Mbarki and Abdelaziz Mouloudi, 2018. The Parsing of Simple Arabic Verbal Sentences Using NooJ Platform. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2017 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Springer CCIS Series #811.

Bourahma S., Mohammed Mourchid, Samir Mbarki and Abdelaziz Mouloudi, 2019. Expansive Simple Arabic Sentence Parsing using the NooJ Platform. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2018 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Springer CCIS Series. I. Mauro Mirto, M. Monteleone, M. Silberztein Eds.

Brini W., Ellouze M., Trigui O., Mesfar S., Belghith Hadrich L. and Rosso P. 2010. Factoid and definitional Arabic question- answering system. Finite-State Language Engineering with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2009 International Conference (Tozeur, Tunisia). Edited by Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Centre de publication Universitaire : Sfax., Tunisia: 243-256

Cai Z., 2017. Research into the possibility of a Chinese electronic dictionary. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International Conference NooJ 2016. Springer CCIS Series #667.

Cai Z., 2019 A Chinese Electronic Dictionary and Its Application in NooJ. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2018 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Springer CCIS Series. I. Mauro Mirto, M. Monteleone, M. Silberztein Eds.

Carvalho P., Cristina Mota and Anabela Barreiro, 2016. Paraphrasing Human Intransitive Adjective Constructions in Port4NooJ. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International NooJ2015 Conference. Springer CCIS Series #607.

Catena A. and Sastre J. 2011. Recognition of negative paraphrases in Spanish . Proceedings of the NooJ 2010 International Conference (Komotini, Greece). Edited by Zoe Gavriilidou, Elina Chatzipapa, Lena Papadopoulou and Max Silberztein. University of Thrace Ed., Greece: 203-211

Chadjipapa E. and Papadopoulou E. 2011. Greek Professional nouns processed with NooJ . Proceedings of the NooJ 2010 International Conference (Komotini, Greece). Edited by Zoe Gavriilidou, Elina Chatzipapa, Lena Papadopoulou and Max Silberztein. University of Thrace Ed., Greece: 183-191

Chadjipapa E., Papadopoulou E. and Gavriilidou Z. 2010. New data in the Greek NooJ module: Compounds and Proper Nouns. Applications of Finite-State Language Processing : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2008 International Conference (Budapest, Hungaria). Edited by Kuti Judit, Silberztein Max, Varadi Tamas. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 93-100

Chapados, A., G. Chevalier, and S. Kasparian. 2004. Description du verbe alter en français acadien du N.-B., integrée à INTEX. Lexicometrica, Numero spe- cial: Des enquêtes aux corpus littéraires : l'analyse de données textueltes. Accessed 10 February 2009.

Cheikhrouhou H., 2014. Recognition of Communication Verbs with NooJ. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2013 : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2013 International Conference (Saarbrucken, Germany). Edited by Svetla Koeva, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 153-168

Cheikhrouhou H., 2015. The Formalisation of Movement Verbs for Automatic Translation using NooJ Platform. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., Di Buono M. Eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Cheikhrouhou H., 2017. Arabic translation of the French auxiliary: using the platform NooJ. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International Conference NooJ 2016. Springer CCIS Series #667.

Cheikhrouhou H., 2018. The Automatic Translation of French Verbal Tenses to Arabic Using the Platform NooJ. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2017 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Springer CCIS Series #811.

Cheikhrouhou H., 2020. Automatic recognition and translation of polysemous verbs using the platform NooJ. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Cheikhrouhou H., 2022. The Recognition and the Automatic Translation of Dative Verbs. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. Bigey M., Richeton A., Silberztein M. Thomas I. Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Chenny H. and Slim Mesfar, 2017. Generating alerts from automatically-extracted tweets in Standard Arabic. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International Conference NooJ 2016. Springer CCIS Series #667.

Chevalier, G., S. Kasparian, and M. Silberztein. 2004. Eléments de solution pour Ie traitement automatique d'un français oral régional, TAL [Traitement automa- tique des langues] 45(2), pp. 41-62.

Cirillo N., 2020. Dealing with Producing and Consuming Expressions in Italian Sentiment Analysis. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Collec-Clerc V. 2014. Adapting Existing Japanese Linguistic Resources to Build a NooJ Dictionary to Recognise Honorific Forms . Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2013 : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2013 International Conference (Saarbrucken, Germany). Edited by Svetla Koeva, Slim Mesfar and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 141-152

Collec-Clerc V., 2015. Recognition of Honorific Passive Verbal Form in Japanese with NooJ. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., Di Buono M. Eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Collec-Clerc V., 2016. Mixed Prolog and NooJ approach in Japanese benefactive constructions. In Automatic Processing of Natural Language Electronic Texts with NooJ: Selected Papers from the International NooJ2015 Conference. Springer CCIS Series #607.

Constant M., 2004. GRAAL, une bibliothèque de graphes : mode d'emploi. In INTEX pour la Linguistique et le Traitement Automatique des Langues. Edited by Claude Muller, Jean Royauté and Max Silberztein. Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté., France: 321-330

Courthiade M., Watabe M., Zoli C., 2017. R.E.D.-RROM (Restoring the European Dimension of Rromani language and culture): the first comprehensive IT learning tool for the unified Rromani language. In Minority languages in education and language learning: challenges and new perspectives. Edited by Filipović J., Vučo J. Faculty of philology of University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 521-539.

Csűry I., 2010. Problems of Corpus Annotation on the Level of Semantic Constructions in Discourse. Applications of Finite-State Language Processing : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2008 International Conference (Budapest, Hungaria). Edited by Kuti Judit, Silberztein Max, Varadi Tamas. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 177-185

Dardour S., Héla Fehri and Kais Haddar, 2020. Disambiguation for Arabic Question-Answering system. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Dardour S., Fehri H. and Haddar K., 2021. Answering Arabic complex questions. In Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities. CCIS Series. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

Declerck T. and Mörth K. 2013. Porting Persian Lexical Resources to NooJ. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2012 International Conference (Paris, France). Edited by Anaïd Donabédian, Victoria Khurshudian and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 14-23

Declerck T., Lendvai P., Koleva N. and Váradi T. 2012. Integration of Ontological Semantic Resources in NooJ. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2011 International Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Edited by Kristina Vučković, Božo Bekavac and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 195-204

Della Volpe M. and Francesca Esposito, 2020. Mining entrepreneurial commitment in university communication: evidence from Italy. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Della Volpe M. and Francesca Esposito, 2020. The Data Scientist on LinkedIn: Job advertisement corpus processing with NooJ. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2019 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Fehri, Mesfar, Silberztein Eds. Springer CCIS Series.

Della Volpe M., Annibale Elia and Francesca Esposito, 2018. Semantic Predicates in the Business Language. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2017 and its Natural Language Processing Applications. Springer CCIS Series #811.

Demırhan U. and Aksan M. 2012. Tagset For NooJ Turkısh Module. Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ : Selected Papers from the NooJ 2011 International Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Edited by Kristina Vučković, Božo Bekavac and Max Silberztein. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle., UK: 86-95

Di Buono M.P. and Mario Monteleone, 2015. Knowledge Management and Extraction from Cultural Heritage Repositories. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., Di Buono M. Eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Di Buono M.P. and Monteleone M., 2014, From Natural Language to Ontology Population in the Cultural Heritage Domain. A Computational Linguistics-based approach. In Calzolari N. and Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14). European Language Resources Association (ELRA) ISBN: 978-2-9517408-8-4

Di Buono M.P. and Monteleone M., 2015, Knowledge Management and Extraction from Cultural Heritage Repositories. In Monti J., Silberztein M., Monteleone M., di Buono M.P. (eds.) Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2014. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. International NooJ 2014 Conference, 3-5 giugno 2014, Sassari. ISBN: 978-1-4438-7558-5

Di Buono M.P., 2015, Information Extraction for Ontology Population Tasks. An Application to the Italian Archaeological Domain. International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application. Vol 3, No 2 (2015). ORB Academic Publisher. pp. 40-50 ISSN: 2336-0984

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